jueves, 17 de enero de 2008

Rape Me

Spread some blood all over the floor.
Gash me up and make me bleed more.
I'm nothing but shit to you.
Lower than the dirt on your fucking shoe.
I was always looking for some fun.
Now I'm stuck and can't run.
Smoke a bowl with me to make me laugh.
I can only giggle while you rip my clothes in half.
Fuck my life up more than it ever was before.
Tell me I'm a skank, a slut, and a whore.
I love you and you call me a hallucinating hack.
You had no problem with me while I was on my back,
Now the time has come.
The clock is ticking and my whole body's numb.
I picked up the stick.
I feel so sick.
It's positive, what should I do?
I'm pregnant, and the father is you.

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Rica /ninja

Bura dijo...

Eeeh... Eh... *gulp*
Esto me recuerda a tu pregunta de las niñas que se ponen el cartel de "hago lo que sea por 200" ...y que tuvieron muy mala cue'a 8D

Eeeh... Pero la imagen es chocante... Tiene detallitos de los cuales no me quería fijar... D:
Eeeh.... eh... Cuidate D:

Anónimo dijo...

esta demasiado bkn tu blog

de donde conseguiste esa plantilla???

responde porfa